Mid-Summer Practice Schedule Changes
Our summer schedule for the summer (July 1 to Labor Day Weekend) will include the following schedule changes:
- Sacred Heart: Our regularly scheduled Tuesday evening practice will not be held in observance of July 4th holiday. Our workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays will start at 6:30pm starting July 1. our Saturday workouts are no longer on the schedule. These changes will remain in effect through the summer. Sacred Heart was closed from August 1 to August 21 for maintenance. Our practices will return to Sacred Heart on August 23. Keep an eye on our practice schedule calendar, weekly e-mail newsletter and social media for details about Sacred Heart’s schedule.
- Seahorse Fitness: Starting August 22, our regularly scheduled Monday evening practice will be cancelled indefinitely because our Artistic Swimming program is still suspended and the speed swimming practice has been poorly attended. Our Wednesday practices will continue start at 6:30pm. Keep an eye on our practice schedule calendar, weekly e-mail newsletter and social media for details on Seahorse Fitness’ schedule.
- Brooklyn Armory: Our Tuesday morning practices will still start at 7:00am and our Wednesday evening practices will still start at 7:00pm.
- Other Pool Facilities: We are still working with other pool facilities to try to get more practices on the schedule. Unfortunately, we do not have an update at this time. Keep an eye on our website, weekly e-mail newsletter and social media for updates.
Note that our pool facilities will be closed for Labor Day Weekend. Note that our pool facilities may also close for maintenance at some point this summer. Our practice schedule will change after Labor Day Weekend. For information about the most up-to-date practice schedule, please regularly check our practice schedule calendar.
New Unlimited Subscription Plan
Summer is here and we have a special announcement. We all know that we would like to get our summer bodies in shape. So here is an unlimited all sport monthly subscription! With summer here and Pride Month coming to a close we believe this is the perfect time to announce this new promotion.
The offer is limited to a 60 days period from the day of purchase for $115 a month! Enrollment opens from now and until July 4th so get to clicking. We’re excited to bring this subscription back, and we’re excited to recruit some new faces and bring some old ones back to the pool.
To take advantage of this promotion, follow the below steps:
Step 1: Put your current subscription on hold in Mindbody – Information on how to do this can be found on our Mindbody page.
Step 2: Purchase the Unlimited Monthly Subscription in Mindbody
Step 3: Swim as much as you can!
Note: this offer is limited to a period of 60 days only ($115 a month)
Annual Beach Day at Brighton Beach on August 7
We are joining our friends Front Runners New York for our annual beach day tentatively scheduled for Sunday, August 7. We look forward to our annual open water swimming clinic coached by our very own Onesimo Demira. Front Runners’ Multi-Sport Committee will be preparing their members for the Staten Island Triathlon, but you can still join us if you just want to relax on the beach. In case of inclement weather or hazardous conditions in the ocean, our alternative date is Sunday, August 21. More details here.
Staff (Coaches, Gatekeepers & Clinic Instructors) and Volunteers Needed
Please note that we are searching for new staff: masters coaches, gatekeepers and clinic instructors. Coaches prepare workouts and coach our members for our masters program (our biggest needs are US Masters Swimming Coaches and USA Diving Certified Competition Coaches). Gatekeepers check in our members before each practice. We are also searching for clinic instructors as we work to rebuild our masters swimming clinic programs (LPZ and Adult Learn-to-Swim). Clinic instructors work with our clinic students in our clinic programs. For details about qualification, certifications, roles, duties and compensation, reach out to us at: mail@tnya.org
Also note that our Board of Directors currently has two (2) vacant seats. Our all-volunteer Board of Directors runs our organization. For more information about our organizational governance, see our bylaws. In addition, you can volunteer to help organize without serving on the Board. If you want to help our team strategize and advance over the the next two years, please review our bylaws and send a statement of interest to our Co-Chairs, Tevin Williams and Shachar Keizman at: co-chairs@tnya.org