Even though our regular operations are suspended due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are still organizing virtual experiences, outdoor gatherings & more this summer. We are in the early planning phase for our soft reopening for our practices & workouts and we had our first virtual new member information session on August 13. We encourage our members to take advantage of the city’s beaches and the city’s outdoor pools. We had our first summer group swim in outdoor pools and the beach last month and our next group open water swim is scheduled for Saturday, September 19. We encourage our members to join us for the Virtual Lake George Swim & virtual social events. We also encourage our members to read our statement in support of the ongoing #BlackLivesMatter protests, our virtual closeout of our last One Hour Swim fundraising drive, and our open letters to New York City government officials concerning public pools, beaches and lifeguards. Looking forward, our international umbrella organizations, the International Gay & Lesbian Aquatics Association (IGLA), is surveying our community right now to address concerns ahead of our big international meet next year. We have also compiled a list of upcoming virtual experiences and outdoor gatherings organized by our community below. Check this page frequently for updates. You can also stay connected with us virtually by joining our e-mail mailing lists and following us on social media.

News Updates & Upcoming Events (in chronological order):

Soft Reopening in the Summer/Fall & Virtual New Member Information Sessions:

Do you want to be the first of our members back in the water for our practices in indoor pools in New York City? The board is talking to our pools about reopening. We need for you to be part of the conversation. We will be updating this page with more information about reopening as soon as we finalize details. Everyone interested in practicing during our soft reopening should reach out to us at: mail@tnya.org. We had our first virtual information session for new members on August 13. If you, or someone you know, would like to attend a virtual info session session in the future, e-mail us at: mail@tnya.org. For more summer programming, check out our full list.

Open Letters to New York City Government Officials Concerning Public Pools, Beaches and Lifeguards:

In response to New York Magazine’s article about Peter Stein and New York City public pools, beaches and lifeguards published on June 23, we sent a joint open letter to the Speaker of the New York City Council and a joint open letter to all 5 New York City Borough Presidents voicing our concerns on July 14. We encourage everyone to read the article. Given that the city’s beaches have already reopened for swimming (on July 1) and the city’s outdoor pools have already reopened (on July 24), we highly encourage everyone to reach out to our elected officials (the NYC Department of Investigations, the New York City Council, the New York City Public Advocate’s Office, and the New York City Mayor’s Office) to express concern and demand a full investigation, as well as to report any municipal employees that exhibit inappropriate behavior. If you would like additional information about our dialogue with the city, feel free to reach out to us at: mail@tnya.org. For more summer programming, check out our full list.

Outdoor Gatherings (Public Pools, Beaches & Parks in the 5 Boroughs):

The city’s beaches have already reopened for swimming (on July 1) and the city’s outdoor pools have already reopened (on July 24). We have already had group swim workouts in public outdoor pools and beaches. Save the date for our next Open Water Swim at Brighton Beach on Saturday, September 19! For swim workouts online, USMS has a library of workouts for active members and Deepwater Softworks has a free library of swim workouts. If you would like to help plan more open water swims and other outdoor gatherings, or if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at: mail@tnya.org. Check this page frequently for updates. For more summer programming, check out our full list.

Virtual Lake George Marathon Swim:

The Virtual Lake George Marathon Swim is an eight-week, 32-mile challenge across the “Queen of American Lakes”, located in the beautiful Adirondacks of Upstate New York. Lake George has a well-known marathon swimming past, including USMS National Championships for 10K open water swims. TNYA has sent a large contingent to this swim in years past, and this year we want to do it again, virtually! If you select “Team New York Aquatics” from the drop down link when you register, you will be able to watch your teammates complete the challenge and track your own progress. Let’s cheer each other on! Any swim between August 1 and September 30 will count towards your 32 miles. Register on the virtual marathon website. For more summer programming, check out our full list.

Virtual Social Events (Happy Hours, Team Meetings, Town Halls, etc.):

We will continue to have virtual social events this summer to share information, discuss reopening, build community and socialize & have fun. Check this page frequently for updates. For more summer programming, check out our full list.



Thank you to everyone that joined us for our beach day last month! Save the date for our next group open water swim on Brighton Beach on Saturday, September 19, 2020! In accordance with the city’s policy:

  • Face coverings are mandatory when not swimming
  • Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others
  • Bring a bedsheet or beach blanket to assist with social distancing
  • If you plan to attend our group swim, please familiarize yourself with the city’s pandemic safety precautions on the website, including the city’s rules for face coverings.

We will be meeting at Grimaldo’s Chair at 10am. The Open Water swim will begin at 10:30am. Be sure to wear your TNYA gear so we know who is a part of our team. We tend to blend in with the crowd while in swimwear. The rain date will be on Sunday, September 20th, also meeting at Grimaldo’s Chair at 10am.

Please Note: No registration is required, attendance is not capped, and this will not be a coached clinic. This is just a meet up and group swim, similar to the group swims in the city’s outdoor public pools.

More details will be announced soon. If you would like to help plan our open water swims and other outdoor gatherings, or if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at: mail@tnya.org.


Join us on Brighton Beach for our Annual Beach Day with our open water swimming clinic on Sunday, August 30, 2020! Please note that, in order to comply with the city’s social distancing guidelines, we are limiting participation in our clinic to only 25 active members, so make sure you RSVP below as soon as possible for reserve a spot. In addition, we’ll have these policies in place:

  • Face coverings are mandatory when not swimming
  • Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others
  • Bring a bedsheet or beach blanket to assist with social distancing
  • If you plan to attend our beach day, please familiarize yourself with the city’s pandemic safety precautions on the website, including the city’s rules for face coverings.

We also have our custom-branded “TNYA Beach Day Bundle” for our members to purchase for $30 which will include a face mask, a swim cap, and a cup (pictured below). Our members must register for the clinic through ClubAssistant. The bundle can also be purchased through the clinic registration page on ClubAssistant and will be distributed on the beach at beach day. Registration and the waitlist are free but mandatory to participate in the clinic. Registration is now open (opened on Monday, August 24, 2020). We will arrange for a rain date in case of inclement weather. Check this page frequently for updates. If you would like to make alternative payment and delivery of the pandemic pack bundle, reach out to us at: merchandise@tnya.org

We will be meeting in the usual spot at Grimaldo’s Chair at 4th Street at 10am. We will again be partnering with Front Runners Multi-Sports Committee (group picture from our joint beach day last year below), who will have a group run to the beach and group bike to the beach earlier in the morning (participation will also be capped for the group running and group biking). If you are interested in running or biking with Front Runners, please reach out to them at: multisport@frny.org

For more summer programming, see our full list here. For more information about the suspension of our regular operations, see our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advisory. If you would like to help plan our beach day and other outdoor gatherings, or if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at: mail@tnya.org.

UPDATE ON AUGUST 12, 2020: Our diving team having their virtual team meeting on Monday, August 24 @ 7pm. If you would like to attend the meeting, reach out to the diving team by messaging our Event Planning Committee here. Join us for a group swim at the city outdoor pool in Astoria on Friday, August 21 @ 11am. If you plan to attend our group swim, please familiarize yourself with the pool’s pandemic safety precautions on the website. Be sure to wear your TNYA gear so individuals can recognize the group. Save the date for our Open Water Swimming Clinic at our Beach Day with Front Runners at Brighton Beach on Sunday, August 30!

UPDATE ON JULY 18, 2020: Our first virtual social event of the summer is a water polo team meeting & happy hour on Tuesday, July 21 starting at 6:30pm. To join the water polo team for the meeting, contact the team at waterpolo@tnya.org. We have virtual closed out our 2019-2020 One Hour Swim Fundraising Drive.

ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE (Revised and Updated):

Full List of News Updates & Upcoming Events (in chronological order):