Upcoming Events and Important Dates:
- New Practice Schedule Starting June 1 (details below)
- Front Runners’ Pre-Brooklyn Pride/Pride Month Kick-Off Happy Hour at Gym Bar on Friday, June 10 @ 6pm (2-for-1 drink specials until 8pm)
- One Hour Swim on June 11
- Pride Month Events from June 5 to June 26
- Annual Beach Day on August 7
New Practice Schedule in June
Starting in June, we now offer 6 practices per week at three pools in Manhattan & Brooklyn. Join us 5 days per week (Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) on the Upper East Side, Lower East Side and Crown Heights for speed swimming and water polo practices. Unfortunately, we are not offering Artistic Swimming Practices or Low Pressure Zone (LPZ) Intermediate Swim Clinics during this phase of our reopening. For details, see our practice schedule calendar.
Coaches/Gatekeepers Search
Please note that we are searching for new staff: masters coaches, gatekeepers and clinic instructors. Coaches prepare workouts and coach our members for our masters program (our biggest needs are US Masters Swimming Coaches and USA Diving Certified Competition Coaches). Gatekeepers check in our members before each practice. We are also searching for clinic instructors as we work to rebuild our masters swimming clinic programs (LPZ and Adult Learn-to-Swim). Clinic instructors work with our clinic students in our clinic programs. For details about qualification, certifications, roles, duties and compensation, reach out to us at: mail@tnya.org
Vacant Seats on the Board of Directors
Also note that our Board of Directors currently has two (2) vacant seats. For more information about our organizational governance, see our bylaws. If you want to help our team strategize and advance over the the next two years, please review our bylaws and send a statement of interest to our Co-Chairs, Tevin Williams and Shachar Keizman at: co-chairs@tnya.org