Although TNYA does not hold year-round open water swimming practices owing to NYC beach schedules, we integrate open water skills into our indoor workouts and our members participate in open water events when they are in season.

In addition, some of our members often swim with our friends Coney Island & Brighton Beach Open Water Swimmers (CIBBOWS) who do have regularly swims together at the beaches in Brooklyn. Our members also take part in an informal beach day or two each year, usually organized with folks from Front Runners New York.

In the past, our members have competed in open water swimming events such as the CIBBOWS Grimaldo Mile, Coney Island Polar Bear Swim, 20 Bridges Swim around Manhattan, New York City Triathlon, Lake George Open Water Swim, and other open water swimming competitions. We continue to meet regularly at the beaches while they are open. To coordinate with our teammates going to the beach, contact us.

For details on upcoming events, visit our News & Events page.