All TNYA memberships and practices are purchased using MINDBODY. New and returning members should follow the steps below. We strongly recommend completing these steps on a computer browser rather than a mobile device, as some items cannot be purchased from the MINDBODY mobile application.
Step 1: Sign up for a TNYA Trial or Full Membership.
If you are new to our team select the link below to get a free 30-day trial membership with 2 free practices. To “buy” the membership, you will need to create a MINDBODY account with us. Click “Create Profile” on the pop-up and fill out the form. Note you may need to add your credit card details, but your card will not be charged.
If you have worked out with us before, or you already know you’re going to be sticking with us for more than 30 days, use the link below to buy a full membership ($37.50 every 6 months).
Step 2: Join a Sport Governing Body.
For insurance reasons, every participant in a TNYA activity must be a member of the national governing body that corresponds to your sport. These links send you to their respective websites.
Artistic Swimming
Click here to join or renew your U.S.A. Artistic Swimming membership. (Click “Create Account” on the login page this link leads to). USAAS provides a low-cost trial membership that can be applied to a full USAAS membership if you enjoy the trial!
Speed Swimming | LPZ Swim
Click here to join or renew your U.S. Masters Swimming membership.
If you have never joined U.S. Masters Swimming, you can sign up for a free U.S. Masters Swimming 30-day trial membership.
Water Polo
Click here to join or renew your U.S.A. Water Polo membership.
If you are already a member of the relevant Sport Governing Body, skip to Step 3!
Step 3: Send us your proof of your Sport Governing Body membership.
U.S.A. ARTISTIC SWIMMING | U.S. Masters Swimming | U.S.A. Water Polo
We must validate your Sport Governing Body membership before you can book and attend practices. Forward the confirmation of membership email you get from the sport governing body to mail@tnya.org.
We aim to validate all memberships within 24 hours, but as our entire organization is run by volunteers it may take as long as 72 hours after your email for the validation to go through. We will send you an email to confirm validation.
Step 4: Book your practice!
If you are joining us for your free trial, once you receive notice of validation you are all set to go! You can see the team practice schedule and book your practices on the Mindbody app or the Mindbody store. Be sure to book each practice in Mindbody before attending.
If you are a returning TNYA member, or you have used your two free practices, you will need to purchase a practice pass or subscription to continue attending practices; see Step 5 below.
Step 5: Purchase a practice pass or subscription.
Practices are paid for with passes or subscriptions. Passes are like credits: you use one each practice. Passes are sport-specific; you cannot use a swim/LPZ pass to book a water polo practice, for example. Swim passes cover all varieties of swim practices: speed, form, distance, LPZ, or technique. Passes expire 24 months after purchase, except for our special 5-for-$75 deal for trial members, which expires 1 month after purchase.
Subscriptions allow you to attend a set number of practices per week for any sport TNYA offers. Unlike passes, subscriptions are “use it (within the week) or lose it.” The week begins Monday and ends Sunday. Subscriptions auto-renew every 30 days after purchase; cancel any time. Subscriptions provide superior flexibility and the best value per practice.
Passes may be purchased from this page, the Online Store, or the MINDBODY mobile app; subscriptions from this page and the Online Store. See cancellation information below.
Passes – Pay Per Practice
Trial members are welcome to buy passes during their trial period; we offer a special 5-for-$75 practice pass exclusively for trial members so you can keep trying us out for your first month at a ~50% discount! After your trial period is done, however, you must buy a full TNYA membership (see Step 1) to keep working out with us; the 5-for-$75 pass also expires after one month even if you buy a full membership.
Subscriptions are exclusively for full TNYA members. If your trial is still running but you’d like to subscribe, you can buy a full membership at Step 1 which will enable you to buy a subscription.
Step 6: Manage your account.
Web Browser
Use the links below to manage your account.
Apple Devices
Scan the QR code below, or use the link to access the Apple App Store, then follow this step by step guide.
Android Devices
Use the link below to access the Google Play Store. Download the app, then follow this step by step guide.
Cancelling Membership or Subscription
If you wish to cancel your current membership or subscription for any reason, at any time, go to the TNYA MINDBODY Online Store and log in. Choose “My Info” > “Account.” Under “Autopays,” you can “Terminate” your subscription or membership automatic renewals.
The purchase of a new subscription does not automatically cancel a previous subscription. If you wish to change your subscription level, you must cancel the current subscription and purchase the new one. Members are responsible for managing their own subscriptions. The team will not issue refunds to members who retroactively want to cancel their subscriptions except as our refund policy provides. If you need further assistance, please contact us.