HollaBack is administering a Bystander Intervention Training session on August 13 starting at 6:30pm. This training session is part of a pilot program funded by Raliance, and supported by the Centre for Social Innovation (CSI), Athlete Ally and various LGBTQ+ community organizations in the local NYC metropolitan area.
HollaBack will provide tools for intervention to ensure that everyone is welcome to participate in sports, athletics and recreation regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, creed, religion, physical or mental capability, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. The training will be held in CSI’s office (601 West 26th Street, Suite #325, New York, New York 10001).
The training is free for members of inclusive athletic organizations. Registration is required to attend the training. For more information, and to register for the training, contact our Event Planning Committee here
For information about other events, visit our Special Events page here.