Annual Awards Banquet & Winter Holiday Party Recap
Thank you to everyone that attended our 10th Annual Awards Banquet on Sunday, March 27, 2022 at Superfine in DUMBO Brooklyn! Even though we were disappointed to postpone our Winter Holiday Party originally scheduled for January, we were excited to use our rescheduled banquet as a send off for our members going to Palm Springs for IGLA 2022! The banquet feature performances by your very own synchro team and Superfine’s “Dinettes” Performance Group! Our 2021 Award Winners were:
- Newcomer of the Year: Shane Donovan
- Spirit Award: Jaszver Bauzon
- Coach of the Year: Jonathan Bermudez
- TNYA of the Year: Nora Cronin & Justin Bain

Annual General Meeting & Board Elections Recap
Our Annual Meeting for our General Membership was held virtually on Monday, January 10, 2022. During the Annual Meeting, we provided our members with our annual financial report. We also held our annual elections for our Board of Directors. Our membership elected Chris Bey, Gregory Brodie, Shachar Keizman, Kirsten Kramer, Dahlia Ramsay and Tevin Williams to serve on the board along with Ryan Des Jean, Patrick Leary, Sara Levi who will continue serving on the board this year. More information about our 2022 Board of Directors and other leadership is available here. If you have any questions or concerns about our annual general meeting and board elections, contact us at: mail@tnya.org